- [icon:theme-072] Laver à froid. 30°C ou 80°F.
- [icon:theme-068] Lavage en machine, doux ou délicat
- [icon:dry-20] Ne pas blanchir
- [icon:dry-23] Sécher normalement, pas chauffer
- [icon:dry-28] ou suspendre pour sécher
- [icon:theme-073] Ne pas repasser

How It All Started
I had just come to a complete stop at a stop sign while thinking about my next bodybuilding competition and what the future might bring, when all of a sudden, boom! I was pushed forward and a sharp pain shot through my neck and back. The back glass of my new mini copper showered me like rain. I couldn't move my arms or legs.
The distracted truck driver that hit me didn’t even graze the brake pedal with his foot before plowing into me.